EQ6 Pro - C8 - SBIG ST7 - NEQ3 - 10 Cm Maksutov

dinsdag 29 juni 2010

My telescopes and variable stars.

Hello, my name is Hubert and I live in Belgium. At this place you can take a look at my current telescopes and the telescopes I owned in the past.
You also can find here some lightcurves of variables stars. My hobby is astronomy and I love to look at the stars. I used to observe variable stars visually but lately I'm switched to CCD photometry. This is a better way to archive more accurate measurements of the small dips some stars undergo. Although it's better to observe long period variables with a great amplitude and bright stars visually. So I still observe some stars visually with my small telescope and the 20 cm is used to do CCD photometry.

And of course I won't neglect a comet or other transient phenomena in the sky.

Geen opmerkingen:

My first telescope. 20 cm Starhopper dobson.

My first telescope. 20 cm Starhopper dobson.

My second telescope. 40 cm Meade Starfinder.

My second telescope. 40 cm Meade Starfinder.

My third telescope. C11 on forkmount.

My third telescope. C11 on forkmount.

The C11 on EQ6

The C11 on EQ6

My 30 cm GSO dobson

My 30 cm GSO dobson

My 16" Lightbridge. (my third 40 cm)

My 16" Lightbridge. (my third 40 cm)

My second 40 cm.

My second 40 cm.

25 cm Skywatcher on EQ6 PRO

25 cm Skywatcher on EQ6 PRO